research and development are proceeding at a rapid pace. New knowledge,
novel findings and breakthrough are generated in different fields such as
in business, management, marketing, finance, sciences, technology,
engineering, languages and liberal arts, in a matter of seconds. Therefore,
it is important to create a platform for experts from different fields to
share their knowledge, views, innovation and new discovery. As
multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research are more and more
important to solve the challenges of future, INTI Journal serves to be a
converging points for experts from different fields to publish their works.
To maximize the readership, we are trying our best to keep the journal as
an open access multi-disciplinary journal.
INTI Journal published the first hard
copy issue in 2002. Starting from 2016, INTI Journal has evolved into full
online open access journal Currently, our journal is indexed Google
Scholar. Journal's online e-print repository (all papers in full text) is
managed by Tan Sri Abdul Majid Library, INTI International University, Nilai, Malaysia.
I sincerely hope that this journal will
induce the sparks of creativity and innovation in research, at the same
time contribute to the improvement of our academic and administrative
services. On behalf of our editorial team, I welcome researchers,
academicians, lecturers and administrators at all levels to contribute and
publish your works in INTI Journal. We Will review all manuscript submitted
according to the highest publication standards.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite
experts around the world to join our Technical Board. Please feel free to
contact our Editor-in-Chief.
Professor Dr. Wong Ling Shing